Have you ever felt the moon kiss you on the forehead,
And at that very moment you wished you were dead??
Have you ever got tired of walking on a rose bed,
Have you ever got tired of walking on a rose bed,
And wished for a hand, to have you led??
Have you ever wondered how a perfect life would be,
Have you ever wondered how a perfect life would be,
And once you know, it just evades thee??
Have you ever liked the ends to be left open,
Have you ever liked the ends to be left open,
And realized (too late), that open ends meant something is left broken??
Have you ever asked someone to leave you alone for a while,
Have you ever asked someone to leave you alone for a while,
Yet all you wanted, was that "someone" to stay back and make you smile??
Have you ever loved being alone,
Yet all you want, is to hear that voice on the phone??
Have you ever willingly let go off a hand,
Have you ever loved being alone,
Yet all you want, is to hear that voice on the phone??
Have you ever willingly let go off a hand,
Yet you knew, that it would only strengthen the bond??
Have you ever wondered how many of your wishes are unfulfilled,
Have you ever wondered how many of your wishes are unfulfilled,
Yet you don't stop wishing for more, and keep the wishing-well filled!!!