Wednesday, December 22, 2010


When things around you seem to tear apart,
You just need some dope to get a start,
When life seems to be walking a tight rope,
That's when you need a miracle called hope!!

You keep walking seeing a distant light,
For that 'one' chance, you keep up the fight,
You know miracles don't happen that often,
But that doent cause your resolve to soften.

Like a matchstick you keep yourself burning,
To light the candles of hope & yearning!

Hope maybe just a word for you,
But it is life for a few,
The hope of meeting a lost love,
The hope of beating that extra beat!

Hope is what a mother lives on,
Hope is what a lover loves on...
Hope is the fire to keep life warm,
Something you need to hold on to in a storm!!


Pavan Wani

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  1. i still wish i had an equivalent skill to pen down how wonderfully u hv written dis one! GOD bless u n may ur thought flourish and travel from ur brain to ur mighty sword and we get such poetic treats!

  2. A truly wonderful thought and excellent selection/rendition of words.........

  3. nyc1!!!!!! Very well said :)

  4. Hope is what a lover loves on...
    I quote thee!!

  5. something you need to hold on to in a storm.......

    it was a verbal treat........:)
